What We Offer

rapid access pain clinic

Epidural Steroid Injections

An epidural steroid injection (ESI) is the delivery of cortisone directly into the space outside of the sac of fluid around your spinal cord. ESI is used only when your pain has not improved with medicines, physical therapy, or other nonsurgical treatments.


Rotator Cuff Injections

Shoulder pain is a common complaint for which a cortisone injection can give significant pain relief. Treatments for pain relief and range of motion exercises is crucial to help prevent frozen shoulder.

rapid access pain clinic

Knee and Hip Injections

Cortisone is injected into the joint space which is meant to help reduce inflammation and/or swelling of the tissue surrounding the joint space. This may also help reduce pain in the area.


  • Ph: 604-436-1587
  • Fax: 604-439-0004
  • Email: info@rapidaccesspainclinic.com
  • Address: 525-4789 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC V5H 0A3

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